Online Articles by TrueGrid® Users
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Numerical modelling of dynamic response of underground
openings under blasting based on field tests
by C.P. Yi, Lule� University of Technology, Sweden P. Zhang, Lule� University of Technology, Sweden E. Nordlund, Lule� University of Technology, Sweden S. Shirzadegan, Lule� University of Technology, Sweden U. Nyberg, Lule� University of Technology, Sweden. -
by Daniel Hilding, Engineering Research Nordic AB. -
Astroid Defence Modeling
by Darrel Robertson, PhD, Engineering Risk Assessment Team / STC, NASA Ames Research Center. -
Modeling of the dynamics of a 40 mm gun and ammunition system during firing
by N. Eches, D. Cosson, Q. Lambert and A. Langlet. -
Constituitive Model for Damaged Borosilicate Glass
by Sidney Chocron, James D. Walker, Arthur E. Nicholls, Charles E. Anderson, Kathryn A. Dannemann. -
Tripping Instability of Ring Stiffened Cylinders induced by Underwater Explosions
by Y.O. Shin and Y.S. Shin. -
A Verification Strategy for High Velocity Penetrators
by Alan Smith and Berend Winter -
Finite Element Simulation of a Blast Containment Cylinder Using LS-DYNA
by Trevor Wilcox, M.S. -
Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures to Aircraft Crash Impact
by T. Wilt and A. Chowdhury, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. -
Protecting Buildings from Bomb Damage: Transfer of Blast-Effects Mitigation Technologies from Military to Civilian Applicaitons
Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems -
KIVA-4 Development
by David J. Torres -
Numerical Simulation of Section Subway Tunnel Under Surface Explosion
by Luo Kun-Sheng, Wang Yong, Zhang Yue-Tang, Huang Lian-kun, Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology, Natural Science Edition, 2007 Volume 8, Number 6, Pages 674-679 -
Ballistic Impact of a KEVLAR� Helmet: Experiment and Simulations
by C.Y. Thama, V.B.C. Tanb, and H.P. Lee, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 35, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 304-318 -
The Interpretation of Separation Mechanism of Ridge-Cut Explosive Bolt Using Software Simulation Program
by Y. J. Lee and D. J. Kim; Agency for Defense and Development, and Hanwha Corporation, Proceedings of Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2004, Pages 532-543 -
Rational Analysis of Tunnels Subjected to Different Explosive Loads
by Dr. Adel Mahmoud Belal, International Symposium on Utilization of Underground Space in Urban Areas, 6-7 November 2006, Sharm El-Sherikh, Egypt -
3D Numerical Simulation Research on the Formation of Explosively Formed Penetrator with Fins
from Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2002, Volume 22, Number 2, Pages 166-168 -
Numerical Simulation Research on the Influence of Sensing Elements on EFP Forming
by Jianbing Men, Jianwei Jiang, Jian Dandao Xuebao Luo, Journal of Ballistics, 2005, Volume 17, Number 1, Pages 67-71 -
Comparison and Validation of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Coupled Euler Lagrange (CEL) Techniques for Modeling Hydrodynamic Ram
by C. Sparks, R. Hinrichsen, D. Friedmann AIAA-2005-2331 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference , Austin, Texas, April 18-21, 2005 -
Finite Element Simulation of a Blast Containment Cylinder Using LS-DYAN
by Trevor Wilcox -
Grain-scale Dynamics in Explosives
by J. E. Reaugh -
High Speed Impact on Ceramic Plates
Research and Simulation of Ballistics Processes of Small Arms Ammunition Bullets
by Andrius Vilkauskas -
Ballistic Impact on Ceramic/Aramid Armour Systems
Numerical Simulation of Impact on Ceramic Armour System
Ballistic Simulation of Impact on Composite Laminates
by M.A.G. Silva, C. Cismasiu, and C.G. Chiorean -
Low Velocity Impact on Laminates Reinforced with Polyethylene
and Aramidic Fibres
by M.A.G. Silva, C. Cismasiu, and C.G. Chiorean -
Numerical Simulation of Structural Deformation Under Shock and Impact Loads Using a Coupled Multi-Solver Approach
by X. Quan, N. K. Birnbaum, M.S. Cowler, B. I. Gerber, R.A. Clegg, C.J.Hayhurst -
Finite Element Modelling of Failure of a Multi-Material Target due to High Velocity Space Debris Impacts
by Rade Vignjevic, Kevin Hughes and Emma A. Taylor -
The Numerical Simulation of High Explosives using AUTODYN-2D & 3D
by G. E. Fairlie -
Computer Modelling of Full Size Fragmenting Aimable Warheads Using AUTODYN-3D
by G. E. Fairlie, C. O. Marriott, N. J. Robertson, I. H. Livingstone, N. K. Birnbaum